
The seminal 2000 U.S. Surgeon General’s Report (SGR) on oral health emphasized the interaction, interconnectedness, and inseparable aspects of oral and systemic health.” The report suggested that individuals from lower-socioeconomic status (SES) are more likely to suffer from periodontal disease, oral cancer and dental caries. Barriers that can limit a person’s use of preventive interventions and treatments include limited access to and availability of oral health care, lack of awareness of the need for care, cost and fear of dental procedures. Social determinants such as housing, drinking water, transportation, history, food, and literacy have connections to oral health outcomes. And, in general, social determinants such as lower levels of education and income, specific racial/ethnicity groups, have higher rates of oral diseases and conditions.3 Maps like this allow viewers to identify which areas are highly impacted by socioeconomic factors and that information can then be used to combat these factors.