Category: Resources

  • Where are the Dentists in Oakcliff, TX ?

    The map today shows the geographic location of dentists currently practicing in the Dallas, TX. In the process of conducting our GIS research, we noticed some areas that were heavily populated with oral health services as well as areas that are likely experiencing disparities in oral health care. To bring awareness to the current health […]

  • I Need a Ride to the Dentist!!!

    The maps listed shows the location of practicing dentists in the Miami,Fla area. Areas that are highlighted in orange/red are areas that experienced a high number of residents reporting not having a working vehicle at their home. Based on our research and maps created, you can see a huge shortage in availability of practicing dentists […]

  • Mapping Dentistry in Nashville, TN.

    The map above shows the geographic location of dentists currently practicing in Davidson-County as well as areas that are likely experiencing disparities in oral health care. To bring awareness to the current health conditions in low-income areas such as North-Nashville, the Oral Health Needs Index (OHNI) made an easy-to-access, oral health focused, Geographic Information System […]

  • Mapping Emergency Room Dental Visits

    This map shows the geographic location of all practicing dentists in the state of Florida by county and the dental ER visits per 1000 in primary care professional shortage areas. For better oral health outcomes to be possible in Florida, a data-driven, evidence-based  program is essential. The Oral Health Needs Index(OHNI) made strides to fix […]

  • Oral Health Statistics – Craniofacial Birth Defects

    According to the CDC & the ASHA, the average prevalence of cleft lip with or without cleft palate was 10.63 per 10,000 live births in the United States and 7.94 per 10,000 live births internationally. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) – National Institute of Health (NIH) conducts various extramural and intramural research in the field to understand the […]